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Darling Ingredients Inc. Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results

July 25, 2024

Segment Financial Tables (in thousands, unaudited)  

Feed Ingredients Food Ingredients Fuel Ingredients Corporate Total
Three Months Ended June 29, 2024
Net sales $934,147 $378,841 $142,304 $- $1,455,292
Cost of sales and operating expenses 737,871 276,760 113,790 - 1,128,421
Gross margin 196,276 102,081 28,514 - 326,871
Loss (gain) on sale of assets 205 37 (20) - 222
Selling, general and administrative expenses 74,015 28,844 8,409 18,463 129,731
Acquisition and integration costs - - - 1,130 1,130
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (33,122) - - - (33,122)
Depreciation and amortization 86,444 27,372 8,723 2,066 12,4605
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel - - 44,197 - 44,197
Segment operating income/(loss) $68,734 $45,828 $55,599 ($21,659) $148,502
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 3,017 - - - 3,017
Segment income/(loss) $71,751 $45,828 $55,599 ($21,659) $151,519
Segment EBITDA $122,056 $73,200 $20,125 ($18,463) $196,918
DGD adjusted EBITDA (Darling's Share) - - 76,642 - 76,642
Combined adjusted EBITDA $122,056 $73,200 $96,767 ($18,463) $273,560
Feed Ingredients Food Ingredients Fuel Ingredients Corporate Total
Three Months Ended July 1, 2023
Net sales $1,141,661 $476,093 $139,867 $- $1,757,621
Cost of sales and operating expenses 876,413 371,095 112,194 - 1,359,702
Gross margin 265,248 104,998 27,673 - 397,919
Loss (gain) on sale of assets 322 2 (65) - 259
Selling, general and administrative expenses 77,406 33,684 4,971 20,690 136,751
Restructuring and asset impairment charges - 896 - - 896
Acquisition and integration costs - - - 1,706 1,706
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (7,499) - - - (7,499)
Depreciation and amortization 82,575 28,445 8,567 2,499 122,086
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel - - 212,964 - 212,964
Segment operating income/(loss) $112,444 $41,971 $227,164 ($24,895) $356,684
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 1,849 - - - 1,849
Segment income/(loss) $114,293 $41,971 $227,164 ($24,895) $358,533
Segment EBITDA $187,520 $71,312 $22,767 ($20,690) $260,909
DGD adjusted EBITDA (Darling's Share) - - $24,7398 - $247,398
Combined adjusted EBITDA $187,520 $71,312 $270,165 ($20,690) $508,307

Segment EBITDA consists of segment income (loss), less equity in net income from unconsolidated subsidiaries, less equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel, plus depreciation and amortization, acquisition and integration costs, restructuring and asset impairment charges, change in fair value of contingent consideration, plus Darling’s share of DGD Adjusted EBITDA.

Feed Ingredients Food Ingredients Fuel Ingredients Corporate Total
Six Months Ended June 29, 2024
Net sales $1,823,995 $770,123 $281,473 $- $2,875,591
Cost of sales and operating expenses 1,443,640 574,905 226,542 - 2,245,087
Gross margin 380,355 195,218 5,4931 - 630,504
Loss (gain) on sale of assets 337 (257) (432) - (352)
Selling, general and administrative expenses 151,153 60,588 17,154 39,979 268,874
Acquisition and integration costs - - - 5,184 5,184
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (58,371) - - - (58,371)
Depreciation and amortization 174,013 5,6240 17,390 4,471 252,114
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel - - 122,616 - 122,616
Segment operating income/(loss) $113,223 $78,647 $143,435 ($49,634) $285,671
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 5,327 - - - 5,327
Segment income/(loss) $118,550 $78,647 143,435 ($49,634) $290,998
Segment EBITDA $228,865 $134,887 $38,209 ($39,979) $361,982
DGD adjusted EBITDA (Darling's Share) - - 191,702 - 191,702
Combined adjusted EBITDA $228,865 $134,887 $229,911 ($39,979) $553,684
Feed Ingredients Food Ingredients Fuel Ingredients Corporate Total
Six Months Ended July 1, 2023
Net sales $2,379,155 $872,485 $297,153 $- $3,548,793
Cost of sales and operating expenses 1,826,485 661,210 238,980 - 2,726,675
Gross margin 552,670 211,275 58,173 - 822,118
Gain on sale of assets (20) (19) (29) - (68)
Selling, general and administrative expenses 152,097 66,806 11,163 42,151 272,217
Restructuring and asset impairment charges 92 5,328 - - 5,420
Acquisition and integration costs - - - 8,728 8,728
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (7,499) - - - (7,499)
Depreciation and amortization 172,895 42,918 16,960 5,319 238,092
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel - - 307,301 - 307,301
Segment operating income/(loss) $235,105 $96,242 $337,380 ($56,198) $612,529
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 1,969 - - - 1,969
Segment income/(loss) $237,074 $96,242 $337,380 ($56,198) $614,498
Segment EBITDA $400,593 $144,488 $47,039 $42,151 $549,969
DGD adjusted EBITDA (Darling's Share) - - 376,721 - 376,721
Combined adjusted EBITDA $400,593 $144,488 $423,760 ($42,151) $926,690

Segment EBITDA consists of segment income (loss), less equity in net income from unconsolidated subsidiaries, less equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel, plus depreciation and amortization, acquisition and integration costs, restructuring and asset impairment charges, change in fair value of contingent consideration, plus Darling’s share of DGD Adjusted EBITDA.

Consolidated Operating Results
For the Three and Six Months Ended June 29, 2024 and July 1, 2023

(in thousands, except per share data, unaudited)
 Three Months Ended
         $ Change
     June 29, 2024   July 1, 2023  Favorable/ Unfavorable
Net sales $1,455,292 $1,757,621 $(302,329)
Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales and operating expenses 1,128,421 1,359,702 231,281
(Gain)/loss on sale of assets 222 259 37
Selling, general and administrative expenses 129,731 136,751 7,020
Restructuring and asset impairment charges - 896 896
Acquisition and integration costs 1,130 1,706 576
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (33,122) (7,499) 25,623
Depreciation and amortization 124,605 122,086 (2,519)
Total costs and expenses 1,350,987 1,613,901 262,914
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel 44,197 212,964 (168,767)
Operating income 148,502 356,684 (208,182)
Other expense:
Interest expense (69,225) (70,193) 968
Foreign currency gain 413 2,490 (2,077)
Gain/(loss) on disposal of subsidiaries - - -
Other income/(expense), net (568) 5,079 (5,647)
Total other expense (69,380) (62,624) (6,756)
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 3,017 1,849 1,168
Income from operations before income taxes 82,139 295,909 (213,770)
Income tax expense 774 40,712 39,938
Net income 81,365 255,197 (173,832)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests (2,499) (2,814) 315
Net income attributable to Darling $78,866 $252,383 $(173,517)
Basic income per share: $0.49 $1.58 $(1.09)
Diluted income per share: $0.49 $1.55 $(1.06)
Number of diluted common shares: 161,705 162,370
 Six Months Ended
         $ Change
     June 29, 2024  July 1, 2023  Favorable/ Unfavorable
Net sales $2,875,591 $3,548,793 $(673,202)
Costs and expenses:
Cost of sales and operating expenses 2,245,087 2,726,675 481,588
(Gain)/loss on sale of assets (352) (68) 284
Selling, general and administrative expenses 268,874 272,217 3,343
Restructuring and asset impairment charges - 5,420 5,420
Acquisition and integration costs 5,184 8,728 3,544
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (58,371) (7,499) 50,872
Depreciation and amortization 252,114 238,092 (14,022)
Total costs and expenses 2,712,536 3,243,565 531,029
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel 122,616 307,301 (184,685)
Operating income 285,671 612,529 (326,858)
Other expense:
Interest expense (132,101) (120,492) (11,609)
Foreign currency gain 649 7,494 (6,845)
Gain/(loss) on disposal of subsidiaries - - -
Other income/(expense), net 8,088 11,238 (3,150)
Total other expense (123,364) (101,760) (21,604)
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries 5,327 1,969 3,358
Income from operations before income taxes 167,634 512,738 (345,104)
Income tax expense 4,681 67,686 63,005
Net income 162,953 445,052 (282,099)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests (2,930) (6,868) 3,938
Net income attributable to Darling $160,023 $438,184 $(278,161)
Basic income per share: $1.00 $2.74 $(1.74)
Diluted income per share: $0.99 $2.69 $(1.70)
Number of diluted common shares: 161,805 162,593
Balance Sheet Disclosures
As of June 29, 2024 and December 30, 2023

(in thousands)

 June 29, 2024 (unaudited)

 December 30, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents $121,587 $126,502
Property, plant and equipment, net $2,840,682 $2,935,185
Current portion of long-term debt $92,258 $60,703
Long-term debt, net of current portion $4,317,129 $4,366,370
Other Financial Data
As of June 29, 2024

(in thousands)
  June 29, 2024 (unaudited)
Revolver availability $814,426
Capital expenditures - YTD $191,728
Projected Leverage Ratio 4.24x
Diamond Green Diesel Joint Venture
Operating Financial Results
For the Three and Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023

(in thousands, unaudited)
Three Months Ended
$ Change
June 30, 2024 June 30, 2023 Favorable/ Unfavorable
Operating revenues $1,184,076 $2,246,111 ($1,062,035)
Total costs and expenses less lower of cost or market inventory valuation adjustment and depreciation, amortization and accretion expense 1,014,927 1,751,315 736,388
Lower of cost or market (LCM) inventory valuation adjustment 15,866 - (15,866)
Depreciation, amortization and accretion expense 61,910 58,315 (3,595)
Total costs and expenses 1,092,703 1,809,630 716,927
Operating income 91,373 436,481 (345,108)
Other income 6,058 2,121 3,937
Interest and debt expense, net (9,037) (12,674) 3,637
Income before income tax expense 88,394 425,928 (337,534)
Income tax benefit - - -
Net income 88,394 425,928 (337,534)
Six Months Ended
$ Change
June 30, 2024 June 30, 2023 Favorable/ Unfavorable
Operating revenues $2,595,191 $3,926,161 ($1,330,970)
Total costs and expenses less lower of cost or market inventory valuation adjustment and depreciation, amortization and accretion expense 2,174,283 3,172,719 998,436
Lower of cost or market (LCM) inventory valuation adjustment 37,504 - (37,504)
Depreciation, amortization and accretion expense 127,200 116,922 (10,278)
Total costs and expenses 2,338,987 3,289,641 950,654
Operating income 256,204 636,520 (380,316)
Other income 9,278 4,162 5,116
Interest and debt expense, net (20,279) (26,080) 5,801
Income before income tax expense 245,203 614,602 (369,399)
Income tax benefit (29) - 29
Net income 245,232 614,602 (369,370)
Diamond Green Diesel Joint Venture
Consolidated Balance Sheets
June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023

(in thousands)
June 30, 2024 (unaudited) December 31, 2023
Total current assets $1,849,534 $1,877,430
Property, plant and equipment, net 3,888,370 3,838,800
Other assets 122,629 89,697
Total assets $5,860,533 $5,805,927
Liabilities and members' equity:
Total current portion of long term debt $29,251 $278,639
Total other current liabilities 404,090 417,918
Total long term debt 722,346 737,097
Total other long term liabilities 17,189 16,996
Total members' equity 4,687,657 4,355,277
Total liabilities and members' equity $5,860,533 $5,805,927
Darling Ingredients Inc. reports Adjusted EBITDA results, which is a Non-GAAP financial measure, as a compliment to results provided in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) (for additional information, see “Use of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” included later in this media release). The Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA provides additional useful information to investors. Adjusted EBITDA, as the Company uses the term, is calculated below:
Reconciliation of Net Income to (Non-GAAP) Adjusted EBITDA and (Non-GAAP) Pro forma 
Adjusted EBITDA to Foreign Currency
For the Three and Six Months Ended June 29, 2024 and July 1, 2023
(in thousands, unaudited)
   Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended
 Adjusted EBITDA (U.S. dollars in thousands)  June 29, 2024 July 1, 2023 June 29, 2024  July 1, 2023
Net income attributable to Darling $78,866 $252,383 $160,023 $438,184
Depreciation and amortization 124,605 122,086 252,114 238,092
Interest expense 69,225 70,193 132,101 120,492
Income tax expense 774 40,712 4,681 67,686
Restructuring and asset impairment charges - 896 - 5,420
Acquisition and integration costs 1,130 1,706 5,184 8,728
Change in fair value of contingent consideration (33,122) (7,499) (58,371) (7,499)
Foreign currency gain (413) (2,490) (649) (7,494)
Other (income)/expense, net 568 (5,079) (8,088) (11,238)
Equity in net income of Diamond Green Diesel (44,197) (212,964) (122,616) (307,301)
Equity in net income of other unconsolidated subsidiaries (3,017) (1,849) (5,327) (1,969)
Net income attributable to noncontrolling interests 2,499 2,814 2,930 6,868
Adjusted EBITDA (Non-GAAP) $196,918 $260,909 $361,982 $549,969
Foreign currency exchange impact 1,765 (1) - 525 (2) -
Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA to Foreign Currency (Non-GAAP) $198,683 $260,909 $362,507 $549,969
DGD Joint Venture Adjusted EBITDA (Darling's share) $76,642 $247,398 $191,702 $376,721
Darling plus Darling's share of DGD Joint Venture Adjusted EBITDA $273,560 $508,307 $553,684 $926,690

(1) The average rates for the three months ended June 29, 2024 were €1.00:$1.08, R$1.00:$0.19 and C$1.00:$0.73 as compared to the average rate for the three months ended July 1, 2023 of  €1.00:$1.09, R$1.00:$0.20 and C$1.00:$0.74, respectively.

(2) The average rates for the six months ended June 29, 2024 were €1.00:$1.08, R$1.00:$0.20 and C$1.00:$0.74 as compared to the average rate for the six months ended July 1, 2023 of €1.00:$1.08, R$1.00:$0.20 and C$1.00:$0.74, respectively.