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Nutrient-rich solutions for animal feed, pet food and plant nutrition

By allowing black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) to do what they do naturally, we create high-value BSFL ingredients and reduce processed waste by reintroducing feed ingredients with upcycled value.

Our markets

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Chickens will naturally forage for insects, given the opportunity. Many backyard chickens are kept in northern climates or coops with limited insect exposure. BSFL meal and oil, or whole dried larvae, provide a natural insect ingredient to chickens and other backyard flocks. BSFL ingredients provide a natural and sustainable solution to other protein ingredients used in chicken feeds, are high in calcium and protein, and birds find them palatable in many forms. 


Products: EnviroBug, EnviroMeal, EnviroOil, EnviroFeed


BSFL offers a renewable alternative, reducing reliance on forage fish and alleviating pressure on marine ecosystems. Aquaculture species will naturally scour for insects. BSFL ingredients can extend fish meal and other protein supplies to feed more fish, and ultimately more people. Our BSF solutions are part of the Darling Ingredients global aqua feed portfolio, which extends fishmeal supplies, allows for increased aquaculture production, and ultimately feeds more people.


Products: EnviroBug, EnviroMeal, EnviroOil, EnviroFeed


BSFL ingredients are safe and nutritious, providing quality protein, fat, and added benefits like antimicrobial peptides, chitin and lauric acid. As a novel ingredient, BSFL may remedy the cause of some pets' allergies to food. Veterinarians recommend diets with ingredients the pet has not been exposed to before, usually the protein sources, to attempt to resolve allergies. Since BSFL is a completely novel ingredient, there is a lower likelihood of an allergic reaction to a diet that contains it.


Products: EnviroBug, EnviroMeal, EnviroOil, EnviroFeed

Zoo and wildlife

EnviroFlight products are trusted by a number of zoos to feed specialized and endangered insectivores such as anteaters and pangolins. These animals have very specific dietary needs and BSFL delivers similar nutrition to what these animals would find in their native habitats.


Products: EnviroBug, EnviroMeal, EnviroOil

Young animals

Young animals require a palatable and digestible source of high-quality protein, energy and fiber to aid growth and development. BSFL ingredients provide a natural and sustainable source of amino acids, omega-3s and 6s, lauric acid and calcium to help growing livestock thrive.


Products: EnviroBug, EnviroMeal, EnviroOil, EnviroFeed


EnviroPro is a natural, chemical-free option for flowers, vegetables, fruits, and lawns. EnviroFlight Premium dried black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) frass contains a nutrient-dense blend of N-P-K and minerals. EnviroProducts are always produced in the USA.


Products: EnviroPro, EnviroOil


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