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Natural coloring solutions

Maintain and enhance the natural color of fresh meat with Qcolor, our sustainable coloring solution. Our QColor range of solutions can provide a natural meat color with high stability, an intensified color with reduced nitrite products, better color homogeneity or increased contrast between lean meat and fat.


In general, the color of fresh meat and meat products is mainly determined by the myoglobin content, which can differ markedly between species and between raw materials of the same species, which may lead to undesirable heterogeneity of color appearance of meat products. The QColor range can intensify coloring, gives a natural color, improve higher lean meat content perception and increase contrast between lean meat and fat. Since hemoglobin is a functional protein, Pork Harimix proteins can be considered as natural ingredients.


Color improvement: natural color enhancement, improved organoleptic quality, high color stability, non-heat stable and easy applicable in powder and liquid


Other benefits: sustainable, improved nutritional value, E-number free, clean label (animal protein) and allergen free

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Product information

With looks mattering more than ever in today’s food industry, consumers increasingly base their meat purchases on natural color. With QColor’s E-number-free proteins, you can rest easy that undesirable color problems will be a thing of the past. Your meat products will be a feast for the eyes as well as for the palate.
Product name Species  Description  Form
QColor Hemoglobin 92 Bovine, Porcine Hemoglobin Powder
QColor Harimix P Bovine, Porcine Stabilized hemoglobin Powder
QColor Harimix C Bovine, Porcine Stabilized hemoglobin Liquid
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